If you could have dinner with any living person, who would it be?
For an aspiring businessman, a reasonable answer might be someone who is the founder and former CEO of a 3 billion dollar company. But what if the person who asked you the question was that person and you were already having dinner with him?
Essentially, that's what happened to me last when when the CBPM had its advisory board dinner. I had the opportunity to sit across from Scott Cook, founder of Intuit Inc.
The main takeaway for me, however, was not the dinner company conversation. I was just amazed with the level of support UW and the CBPM provide to each one of its MBAs. I really believe that no other school I applied to would have provided me as good of an opportunity to connect with top executives from major companies.
For that reason and so many more, I'm so glad I came to Wisconsin.
P.S. The next day, I got to have lunch with Colleen Goggins (super nice lady).